I have a confession to make. I don't like tea. To me it just tastes like flavored water. And I don't like flavored water. I know that makes me a really bad Southerner. I'm pretty sure it also means I will be shunned when I show up in Wales. Therefore, I am either going to have to learn to like tea, or get really good at faking it. So my dear tea drinking friends. I am here, please convert me before I go and make the huge cultural faux pas of turning down the offer of tea. They'd kick me out before I even got in. And I would really rather not be kicked out! 
Everyone writes blogs nowadays. So I'm going to join them. This blog is going to detail my life preparing to go to Wales in January to live for over 3 months, and then hopefully tell you about my life while I'm there. I promise nothing witty, nothing hugely literary. I do promise to be honest, to share my stories, and to give you a glimpse into my life. 

    I'm getting ready to live in Wales. I'm going to work with people. I'm loving my life


    September 2012

